■IICLO Report
NO.12 December 2003
Returning to Our Origins By Nakagawa Masafumi, President of IICLO
Eighteen years have passed since the opening of IICLO in 1984. At that time the Institute had 120,000 items in its collection. In March 2002, there were more than 660,000 items, establishing the institute as a base for research materials, and information related to children's literature and culture on an international scale. However, in June of 2001 an announcement was made that due to a reassessment of Osaka Prefecture's economic standing the operation of our facility was in danger of being discontinued. This caused great concern to the many people who have supported IICLO to date, and letters of encouragement and petitions supporting the Institute came from many individuals and groups. In order to overcome this crisis, the staff of the institute was joined by concerned experts and members of the intellectual community to frame a proposal to create a "Center with integrated functions of collecting children's books, research and information" with a reformed position and a high standard of professionalism. As a result, the continuation of our present facility has been confirmed along with the continuation of such work as the collection of data and other constructive activities, and the shift of importance to research related to prefecture citizens' needs, improvement and development of accessible information, and support for children's reading activities.
The economic administration of Osaka Prefecture continues to be in great straits. Recalling the words of Shiba Ryotaro, the second president of this institute and one of Japan's outstanding authors and critics: "Let us administer ourselves in this endeavor in such a way that one hundred, or two hundred years, from now we will not be laughed at. Always remember the dreams of your youth." We hope to have your continued support as we look back to the institute's original aims and continue our efforts for further growth in the future. We sincerely hope for your continued enthusiastic encouragement and support.
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IICLO Under Review as Part of Osaka Prefecture's Economic Reconstruction
As the cost of running the IICLO is covered by Osaka prefecture's independent financial resources, a close examination of this facility's activities were included in the proposal for "A Radical Reassessment of Facilities" as part of the Economic Restructuring Plan for Osaka Prefecture announced on September 3, 2001.
Accordingly, in October 2001 the Committee to Plan the Future of IICLO, made up of interested professionals, was established to make a study of a projection of IICLO's image in ten years time. The main areas studied in this projection were: 1) Effective Use of the Facility 2) Research and International role of the Institute 3) Location and 4) Promotion of Use.
As a result of the study, the following immediate measures will be implemented:
1) Enriching the function of IICLO as a Center for materials related to children's books 2) strengthening the importance and promoting it as a General Information Center for children's books 3) equipping to become a driving force in the movement to promote children's reading activities 4) making the change from 'Users' Facility' to 'Participants' Facility' 5) creating strategies to increase the public's familiarity with and recognition of the facility 6) engaging in studies and research to support the institute's role in serving residents of the prefecture 7) engaging in ways to make use of Osaka's unique characteristics as a multi-cultural society 8) structuring a stable administrative system 9) inviting evaluation and appraisals from objective agencies, and 10) creating strategies to make the continuation of the institute possible.
We at the Institute would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you for the concern you have shown for our plight, and for your support.
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IICLO Supports Osaka Prefecture's Movement for Promoting Children's Reading Activities in Osaka Prefecture
Fears concerning Japanese children's decline in interest in reading led to enactment of the Reading Movement Promotion Law in December 2001. Accordingly, the Ministry of Educational Science published A Basic Plan for Promoting Children's Reading Activities in order to promote children's reading activities in Japan. In Osaka, the response was to set up the Osaka Prefecture Conference for the Promotion of the Children's Reading Movement on April 23, 2002, which was called Children's Reading Day. IICLO was entrusted with carrying out activities such as the following.
* Forum: Enjoying Picture Books with Young Children; September 7-8, at the Osaka City Children's Culture Center; Events included:
1. Lecture Meeting: Creating Picture Books for Young Children; Lecturers: Kishida Eriko, poetess and children's writer; Katayama Ken, illustrator
2. Symposium: First Picture Books Parents and Children Enjoy Together; panelists: Wakiya Kuniko (Osaka Prefecture Central Library), Morisaki Shizuko (Kumatori-cho Bunko Liaison Council Representative), Watanabe Takeru (Hikari-no-kuni publishing, Editor), Nihira Shizuhiro (Osaka City University, Professor); Co-coordinator: Nagata Keiko (IICLO researcher)
3. An Exhibition of Picture Books for Babies in Japan; Storytelling sessions; Science Workshop; Puppet Theatre
* A Survey of the Present Condition of the Children's Reading Activities
A study was carried out with all schools in Osaka Prefecture, volunteers involved in school reading programmes, and public libraries to discover the realities of reading activities. In March 2003 the results of the study will be published, and at the same time a symposium will be held to plan future policies for promoting reading.
* Creation and Distribution of Leaflets
Leaflets introducing books for a child's first encounter with the medium and how to enjoy it were created to be distributed at prefectural health care centers to caregivers of infants and young children.
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Two New Research Projects
In April 2002 projects on the themes "Picture Books of Early Childhood--their significance and practical use" and "Research on a Library Search System for Children Using the Internet" were begun.
The first project is a study of infants, their caregivers, and picture books. Acting together with psychologists and pediatricians, an analysis will be made of the results of questionnaires and interviews made during the year to find out what books are in the homes of families with children, and interpreting how these books are read.
The second project in educational technology and school library science is to create a book search system by freely experimenting with various ways of introducing books to children. Creating a system of keywords formulated especially for children will enable them to accomplish basic searches and at the same time look for books as part of a game. The system includes ways to introduce books by characters, authors, and various themes
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Major Events of October 2001-September 2002
<For Adults>
November 11,2001
"Roots of Children's Books-Fukuzawa Yukichi on the 100th Anniversary of his death
Lecturer: Kuwabara Saburo (Keio Gijuku University Fukuzawa Yukichi Research Center)
April 14, 2002
"The Art of Recycling Stories in Contemporary Children's Literature" ; Lecturer: Dr. Sandra Beckett (Research Fellow at IICLO, Professor at Brock University, Canada) Interpreter: Tada Masami (Lecturer at Mimasaka Women's College)
Introducing examples of pictures from 'Little Red Riding-hood' picture books from twelve countries and parody picture books, the lecturer pointed out changes related to culture or era in the Little Red Riding-hood story, describing her research results in an easy to understand lecture. →Does it mean it's not high standard?
April 18/29, 2002
"Introduction and Commentary: Children's Books Published in Japan in 2001";
Commentator: Nishimura Hisao (Osaka Science Reading Materials Research Society)
and IICLO staff
May 26, 2002
Children's Literature Lecture; "The World of Sasaki Maki" Lecturer: Sasaki Maki (picture book author) Interviewer: Doi Yasuko (IICLO Researcher)
Puppet play: "The Pig Tree Seeds" Performed by Puppet Theatre Troupe, Crarte
June 4-July 9, 2002
Lecture Series for Training Volunteers "Reading Books with Children" (a five-lecture series) Lecturer: ICCLO Foundation staff
July 9, 2002
Lecture; "Books Are Wonderful Friends"; Lecturer: Nakagawa Masafumi, IICLO Director
<For Children>
December 23, 2001
"Children's Dreams Foundation" Charity Event
"The World of Fantastic Shadow Picture; Children's Songs"; Performed by the Kyoto Women's College Children's Theatre Group; Commentator: Nakagawa Masafumi
January 13, 2002
"Let's Meet Picture Book Author Kawabata Makoto!"; joint sponsor: Osaka Children's Reading Support Secretariat
March 21, 2002
4th Talk with Authors "Let's Meet Mystery Writer, Matsubara Hideyuki!";
venues: IICLO, Toyonaka City Okamachi Library, and Mino City Library
May 3-5, 2002
Yumeno-ike Theatre
May 3; Movie: "Little Lotta's First Errand"
May 4; "Under the Baobab Tree; African Folktales and Drum Concert"; Storyteller: Eguchi Kazuhisa (Professor, National Museum of Ethnology), Percussion; Kawabe Tomomi and Josef Nkoshi
May 5, 2002
"Let's Play in the World of 'Princess of the Plains'!"; Part I: Drama "Princess of the Plains", performed by the Urinko Theatre Group; Part II: presentation by the author of the picture book "Princess of the Plains", Nakagawa Chihiro
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October 1-December 27, 2001
"Fukuzawa Yukichi and Children's Books"
January 5-19, 2002
"Kawabata Makoto's Picture Book Illustration Originals"
January 20-February 12, 2002
Yokoyama Ryuichi Memorial: Let's Meet Fuku-chan!" Planning Assistance: Takeuchi Osamu (Doshisha University Professor)
March 1-30, 2002
"Exhibition of the 18th Nissan Picture Book Grand Prix Winners"
April 1-June 29, 2002
"The Strongest Girl in the World: the Books of Lindgren, the Creator of Pipi the Long Stockings"
July 1-September 29, 2002
"Asian Children's Books"

The Strongest Girl in the World: the Books of Lindgren, the Creator of Pipi the Long Stockings
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The Year's Newly Published Children's Books and Related Materials on View
Since its opening, IICLO has made a complete collection of all children's books and related materials published in Japan. Beginning in April 2002 all materials published during the previous year have been available in the second floor reading room. Arranged in categories of picture books, story books, reference books, and related general information for adults, these are being made available with the main users expected to be librarians, school library staff and teachers involved in children's reading activities.
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Activities of the Fellows 1999〜2000
IICLO has an ongoing system of providing fellowships to invite foreign scholars to the institute to do research here. Since the start of the institute in 1989 thirty-nine scholars from twenty-four countries have taken part in this program. This year the following scholars have been invited to do research at the institute. (name/nationality/post/research theme/period of stay)
CHONG RU-FONG, Taiwan, Section A
The Concept of "Dowa" as Children's Literature / April, 2001-March, 2002
SANDRA BECKETT, Professor of Brock University, Canada and the President of the International Research Society for Children's Literature, Section B
The art of recycling stories in contemporary children's books (by Japanese authors and illustrators) / March - April, 2002
This fellowship program is made possible through donations from the private business sector as well as by grants from Osaka Prefecture. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the companies listed below.
The Board of Education of Osaka Prefexture, Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Obayashi Corporation, The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Kinki Nippon Railway Co., Ltd., Kurihara Kogyo Co., Ltd., Suntory Ltd., The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., The Resona Bank Ltd., Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd., Takenaka Corporation, Toyobo Co., Ltd., Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
New Research Fellow:
Prasansa Kalukottege (Sri Lanka)
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"IICLO Bulletin vol. 17"
A Study of Safety Measures Taken with Regard to Children's Culture and Specially in the Production of Picture Books; History, Present Situation, and Proposals for the Future.
By Nagata Keiko
A Bibliography of Studies Done on Miyazawa Kenji in the Field of Children's Literature and Japanese Education.
By Endo Jun, Ofuji Mikio, and Hiraoka Hiroko.
A Bibliography of Japanese Translations of Works Which Were Awarded Der Deutche Jugendliteraturpreis
By Ueno Yoko
Story Activities at IICLO (9) - The Selection of Stories for Workshops -
By Doi Yasuko
Le poids dune aile papillon
By Prof. Jean Perrot.
Japanese Translation by Hatanaka Keiichi.
"Fellowship Program Researchers' Report 2001"
"Fellowship Program Researchers' Report 2002" |
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Children's Literature; General
Akagi, Kanko. 800 BOOKS FOR COMING TO GRIPS WITH SPIRITUAL WOUNDS. Jiyu-kokuminsha. \1900 4-426-73201-8 A book guide that lists a mixture of children's books, manga, and books for adults that address such themes as Adult Children, Identity, dependency on alcohol and other substances, abuse, and healing.
Inokuma, Yoko. FINAL LECTURE ON CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. Suemori-books. \2500 4-915777-31-6 The final lecture in a career in education spanning forty-odd years of the researcher and theorist who studied children's literature under Tolkien and also translated examples of superior works of British children's literature. In a lecture titled 'Children's Literature and I' she refers to her own childhood experiences of literature and to Peter Hollindale's concept of 'Childness' she reveal her thoughts concerning the meaning behind the creation of children's literature.
Koyasu, Michiko & Kamito, Keiko. BENEATH THE TREE OF LIFE: FOLLOWING THE PATHS OF ENDE AND CARSON. Kaitakusha. \1500 4-907727-20-8 A record of discussions and writings by Koyasu Michiko (researcher of Ende's literature and the thought of Steiner), and Ueto Keiko (translator and researcher of Racheal Carson), that explores o relief Ende and Carson's ideas concerning nature.
「いのちの樹の下で エンデとカーソンの道を継ぐ」
Maejima, Yasuo. CHILDREN AND EDUCATION AS SEEN IN MODERN JAPANESE LITERATURE. Soufusha. \1,300 4-88352-054-4 This is an analysis and discussion of problems of children and education that is arranged by themes including bullying, chronic absence from school, children's suicide, and eating disorders that examines their presentation in Japanese literature for both children and adults, from the 1970's. 「現代日本文学に見るこどもと教育」
Masuda, Yoshiaki. A CHILDREN'S BOOKSTORE IS A MERRY MERRY-GO-ROUND. Shobunsha. \1600 4-7949-6512-5 A record of books and activities by the author, owner for twenty-five years of a bookstore specializing in children's books. The author discusses books and describes events he held to introduce children and adults to the pleasure of books.
NPO School of Library ed. CHILDREN'S BOOKS-LOOKING BACK ON 2001, 200 RECOMMENDED BOOKS. Liblio-shuppan. \1300 4-86057-054-5 This book guide by the NPO Library gives general remarks and recommendations of children's books published in 2001. 「子どもの本 〜この1年をふりかえって〜2001年 おすすめの本 200選」
Senryoka no Kodomo Bunka 1945-1949 Ten Hokkaido Jikko Iinkai. RESEARCH ON CENSORSHIP DURING THE OCCUPATION OF JAPAN: CHILDREN, PUBLICATIONS, CULTURE. Hokkaido-Bungakukan. This is a pamphlet that contains a series of seven articles that were written after World War II about how occupation forces made collections of children's literature and manga for the purpose of censorship after World War ?.
「占領下日本の<検閲>考 −子ども、出版、文化−」
Yamaguchi, Masao. THE GRAMMAR OF OUTSIDERS. Heibonsha. \1800 4-582-70229-5 A collection of articles by a cultural anthropologist Yamaguchi Masao about lifestyles of people such as Miyazawa Kenji and Ishii Kendo who were outside the mainstream of modern Japanese history.
Children's literature: Authors
Ito, Mitsuya. THE BOTANY OF IHATOBU. Yoyosha. \2,400 4-89674-214-1 A discussion of Miyazawa Kenji's involvement in agriculture, and of the plants which are described in his works. 「イーハトーヴの植物学」
Picture Books/Illustration
Editors of Fukuinkan "Haha no Tomo". OUR NAMES ARE GURI AND GURA. Fukuinkan-shoten. \1700 4-8340-1777-X 04.A book about the popular picture book featuring two field mice 'Guri and Gura' from the time of its publication in 1963. It includes examples of readers' response as well as information about publication abroad.
Kawai, Hayao, Yanagida, Kunio & Matsui, Tadashi. THE POWER OF PICTURE BOOKS. Iwanami-shoten. \1,600 4-00-022259-7 Comments on the power and fascination of picture books are made by the Chairman of Jido Publishers, Co., a psychologist, and a non-fiction writer, from their particular viewpoints, followed by a record of their discussion. 「絵本の力」
Okamoto, Kichi. / Takesako, Yuko ed. OKAMOTO KICHI. Kawade-shobo-shinsha. \1600 4-309-72711-5 A book that sums up the career and pictures of Okamoto Kichi who was active as an artist of pictures for children during the Taisho period (1915-1926). 「岡本帰一」
Torigoe, Shin. ed. FIRST STUDIES OF THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE PICTURE BOOKS. Minerva-shobo. \3000 4-623-03315-5 This is the first of a three volumes study of the history of picture books, in particular the popular history of Japanese picture books. An introductory volume that describes comprehensively publications of picture books from the Edo to the Taisho Era, including a thorough explanation of printing methods.
「はじめて学ぶ日本の絵本史 1 」
Poems/Nursery Rhymes/Doyo
Hatajima, Kikuo. YAYOSHI KANICHI AND CHILDREN'S POETRY IN EDUCATION. Little-Gulliver-sha. \1700 4-947683-40-6 The achievements of Yayoshi Kanichi, who concentrated his energies on children's poetry in education, are arranged in periodical divisions of pre-war, early post-war, post-war, and late post-war in this volume. 「弥吉菅一と児童詩教育」
Inoue, Ichiro. KUDOH NAOKO AND CHILDREN. Meiji-tosho-shuppan. \3460 4-18-325413-2 The first half of this book is an interview with a popular writer of children's poems, Kudoh Naoko. In the second half are ten detailed lesson plans using her poems, along with a record of children's responses to the lessons.
Washizu, Natsue. MOTHER GOOSE AND THE JAPANESE. Yoshikawa-Kobunkan. \1700 4-642-05529-0 A study of how Mother Goose was received in Japan from the Meiji through the Showa Era, this book is not only a history of translation, but also takes up the way that Mother Goose has been incorporated into Japanese manga.
Iwaya, Sazanami./ Ueda, Nobumichi ed. JAPANESE FOLKTALES. Heibonsha. \3200 4-582-80692-9 Twenty-four stories, including 'Momo Taro', presented by Iwaya Sazanami in Japanese Folktales (1894-96), his definitive series of folktales found throughout Japan, have been collected here in one volume. 「日本昔噺」
Miyahara, Kojiro. /Ogino, Msahiro. ed. THE SOCIOLOGY OF MANGA. Sekai-shisosha. \1900 4-7907-0901-9 An introduction to Manga and Sociology, for researchers studying manga from a sociological viewpoint. Such topics as gender, readers' response and literary criticism are discussed. 「マンガの社会学」
Natsume, Fusanosuke. STRATEGY IN THE WORLD OF MANGA. Shogakukan. \1500 4-09-387336-4 The author discusses, from personal experience, the way that Japanese manga are perceived abroad, and the unique manga culture of various countries, then uses this information to examine the present status of Japanese manga. 「マンガ世界戦略」
Children's Culture
Kodomo no Bunka Kenkyusho, Kamishibai Kenkyukai. ed. THE PROGRESS OF 20 YEARS OF KAMISHIBAI - "PICTURE SHOW PLAZA", GENERAL COLLECTION. Kodomo no Bunka Kenkyusho, Kamishibai Kenkyukai. \2500 A collection in one volume of the bulletin Paper Picture Show Plaza published from 1982 by the Paper Picture Show Study Group of the Children's Culture Research Center. Included are bulletins up to #39 published in 1992, and #40 published in August, 2001.
Kiritoshi, Risaku. THE WORLD OF MIYAZAKI HAYAO. Chikuma-shobo. \930 4-480-05908-3 A study of the animation of world famous Japanese animated film director Miyazaki Hayao, it discusses his works from his first film Conan, Boy of the Future, to Spirited Away.
Hunt, Peter. /Sakuma, Yumiko. ed. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE - AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY Kashiwa-shobo. \9500 4-7601-2140-4 「子どもの本の歴史」
Spitz, Ellen Handller. / Adachi, Mami translated. INSIDE PICTURE BOOKS. Seidosha. \2200 4-7917-5911-7
「絵本のなかへ」 |
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Since April 2001 we have continued to receive donations from many people and organizations. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and also to request your continuing support.
Sandra Becket (CANADA)
Henning Fangauf (GERMANY)
少年児童出版社 巨人編集部 (CHINA)
蒋風 (CHINA)
鄭 明進 (TAIWAN)
李 在徹 (KOREA)
林 文茜 (TAIWAN)
崔仁鶴 (CHINA)
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*Open Hours: 9:30am-5:00pm
*Closed: Wednesdays End of month the New Year Holiday Season(Dec.28th-Jan.4th)
[Also closed for a few weeks in February each year for the airing of books and general inventory]
Editor: Doi Yasuko
Translator: Rebecca Teele
President: 中川 正文 (Nakagawa Masafumi)
The International Institute for Children's Literature, Osaka Prefecture, 2003
* All Japanese names in the News appear in the traditional order, surname followed by given name.
* We apologize for the delay in the publication of this issue of the newsletter.